Thursday, 22 May 2014

Sunny all the way to Fradley

Thursday 22nd May

Yesterday we arrived at Gt Haywood just after 12.45pm, we had stopped at Wolseley Arms pub  first and had some lunch but we were both disappointed with the food so we won't be going there again! Kev went to the office to let them know we were leaving while I went to the boat and turned the water etc on and then when he got to the boat we unloaded the car and once we were sorted we left the berth at 1.45pm and headed off for Fradley. What a lovely day to cruise the canal, the sun was glorious all the way and there were a few boats on the move so the locks were all in our favour. I tried to take a few photos with Kevs camera and it didn't seem to be working then Kev realised that the battery was flat!! As we were approaching Shadehouse Lock at Fradley I spied a boat we knew and it was nb No Problem moored on the visitor moorings as we passed I sounded the horn as I couldn't see anybody but as we were passing I spotted through a window Sue with Vic along side her  & Vic looked out to us so we waved & Sue just waved in time before we were passed. It is always the way no bloody camera again. The visitor moorings were all taken so we dropped down the 3 locks then moored opposite the services. There were loads of motor bikers at the White Swan pub so once we were tied up etc we went for a walk to the pub for a look at them and of course a couple of pints too!!

This photo is for Kev's son Lee as he would love this VTRSP1

Sorry Lee it wasn't for sale

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