Thursday, 10 September 2015

Onto the Weaver

Thursday 10th September
Yesterday morning  just after 9am we moved onto the moorings that you wait at for the Anderton Lift & Pete & Steph came along to see us off.

Nb Maggie May leaving the lift on Tuesday

Steph, Kev & Pete with dogs

We said our goodbyes and made our way to the lift which we were sharing with another boat.

Alongside the smaller narrowboat
Looking down onto the Weaver
Rather him than me!
Down we go
Looking back at the lift
Nb Indigo Dream

Doug & James on Nb Chance had told us they had been out with Indigo Dream on the Weaver and told us to look out for them so here they are!
Following a boat after we had left Hunts Lock

We carried on until we arrived at Northwich where we moored up so we could do some shopping and who should come along and moor behind us.... Indigo Dream!
We only noticed them when we came back from the shop but didn't see anybody on board but as we were about to leave we saw a man with 3 greyhounds and it turned out to be Richard Nb Indigo dream so we had a quick chat to him as we had rang the lock keeper at Vale Royal Lock to say we were coming so they were waiting for us. Richard told us that his wife Sue had gone to pick their car up as they had one of their dogs in the vet hospital and were going to collect it. so I hope all is well with your dog and it was nice to meet you Richard.
 Approaching Royal Vale Lock

And leaving the lock!
We didn't go much further and moored at Vale Royal moorings...
The view from our mooring

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