Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Happy New Year to Everybody

Wednesday 31st December 2014!

Well I hope everybody has had a lovely Crimbo, we had a nice quiet Christmas day with my mam, my sister & Samuel and on Boxing day Kev took Sam to Manchester airport as he was flying to Palma, Majorca to stay with his mum & Phil her partner and will fly back on January 5th ready to return to school the next day. Kev was lucky with the weather as he never saw any snow along the way there or back and when we saw the news later that day showing all the cars stuck in snow in Sheffield we were really relieved that he got home ok. We haven't had any snow in Roos or Hull although we did have a hard frost on Monday and again yesterday.
We travelled to our marina at Shardlow yesterday to spend the New Year aboard Rock & Roll and will stay here until the 5th January and then go to Manchester Airport in the evening to pick Sam up, then we will all travel home to Roos together.
We got back onboard Rock & Roll about 11am yesterday and Kev lit the fire then checked that there were no water leaks before starting the Webasto and all was well and it wasn't long before it was lovely and warm, and we got everything from the car including Buster and then had a sandwich and cuppa! Shortly after our friend Nigel arrived, his boat "Tomorrow" is on the berth next to us and he soon had his fire lit and came for a cuppa.
We all had a ride to Ikea as Nigel wanted to buy a table and a few other bits as he has just bought another property. Speaking of properties........ Fingers crossed our house is SOLD subject to contract, but as Kev said it is only sold when the money is in the bank! We will be busy in the next few weeks moving some furniture to the cottage and getting rid of lots and lots of stuff which I am sure a lot of people on boats will know about as it is amazing what you aquire over the years.

The marina has a covering of snow and the marina is frozen and so is the canal although when we got here yesterday there was a boat using his pole to push him off from his mooring and you could hear the ice cracking a she made his way along the canal.
This morning Kev went out with Buster and took a few photos but it was still quite dark.
It is a bit blurred Kev!
Thats a bit better!

Another blurred one!
Looking down onto the canal the lock is at the top of the photo 
Just took this one from the window

Tonight we are all having a walk to the pub and it will be a change to spend New Years Eve away from home and we are looking forward to it. 
Both Kev and myself would like to wish you all a great New Year 2015 and hope to meet up with fellow boaters and bloggers.

Friday, 14 November 2014

A scare for Buster

Friday 14th November

Early this morning about 4.50am Kev had heard Buster barking which is unusual now as he is deaf so he couldn't have heard anything outside, but when Kev got downstairs to him he noticed that he had done a small puddle but there was blood in it. We haven't noticed any blood before now but as most of you will know you don't actually see what they are passing it was only the fact it was on the kitchen floor. he was very unsettled and he kept wanting to go outside. I was upset and worried as there seemed to be more blood then pee and so as soon as the vets opened I rang and got an appointment for this morning, the vet examined Buster and checked his prostrate and said it was fine and that his bladder felt empty and so she decided to treat him for an infection so he has tablets and Metacalm oral suspension both to be taken once a day for a week. He is a good lad to take his medicine the tablets are quite large so I put them in some bread & butter and he takes it well and the suspension is in a syringe and I just pop it into his mouth. If he isn't any better after the course of treatment then I have to take him back so fingers crossed it isn't anything sinister! like most dog owners it is upsetting to see your dog unwell but you can only do the best you can for their welfare.
We were hoping to have a few days at the boat but decided it would be better to stay at home while Buster peeing a lot etc, Kev is going away on Sunday morning for a month to work in India so I will go to check on Rock & Roll at some point.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Back Home

Sunday 2nd November

It had rained a bit last night but was still quite warm and by this morning there was a nice blue sky as we left our mooring at Swarkestone about 8am, as we were approaching Swarkestone lock  there was a boat waiting to go in and there was a woman at the lock with the paddles wound up and so by the time I had got there the lock was just about full so it wasn't long before we could open the gates and both boats were in. We were lucky to share the lock as the woman said they saw a boat in the lock as they were approaching it but the people just went down on there own and so the lock was empty! Why are some boaters like that and won't just wait a few minutes for a fellow boater, some seem to be in such a hurry and I don't know why they want to be on a narrowboat if all they want to do is rush about I thought the whole idea of narrowboating was to take it easy. I do however realise that sometimes people do have to be somewhere and at times need to be a bit faster but hey a few minutes to wait for a boat doesn't seem like too much to ask!
Anyway we shared the locks with the couple all the way back to Shardlow Lock and when we were leaving the lock we let the other boat exit the lock first, they were heading to Mountsorrel but probably would moor before then. we were back in the marina before noon and I took Buster for a walk while Kev stayed on the boat to do a few jobs before we left the boat, I had a tidy up etc and we left to head home at 2.20pm. Sam had been in Birmingham visiting a friend who used to live in Majorca and went to the same school, he had gone on his moped to my man's in Hull and put it in her garage  and stayed the night there & then caught a bus to the train station on Tuesday morning, he came back yesterday too and was able to get back home a couple of hours after us as now he has his own transport.

Friday, 31 October 2014

Lovely weather for cruising

Thursday 30th October

This morning we moved over to the services and emptied the cassette & got rid of our rubbish and then I walked to the lock whilst Kev brought R&R to the lock, a Canaltime hire boat which had been moored behind us had set off first so we were following them and as there were no boats coming up into the lock I had to fill it for Kev to go in. It was another lovely morning and quite warm especially as it is almost November! The hire boat was in the next lock as we came out of the previous one and so I went to help them as it seemed to be a man on his own with a lad about 9 years old working the locks so I told the man and the lad to get on board their boat and I would shut the gates. We followed them through several locks with either myself or Kev helping them as the small lad seemed to be struggling with the gates while his dad was on the boat, mind you I bloody struggle too at times so I can't imagine how this young lad could manage. Then when we got to Tatenhill Lock we were behind them again and the lad was at the lock so I went to help him and his dad brought the boat into the lock but as he was coming 2 teenagers appeared at the stern with him! I thought that they would get off to help me close the gate but they stayed on the boat while I did it!! The man got off in the lock to help empty the lock and the teenagers took the boat to of the lock then picked the young lad up & the father too! I wasn't very happy and told Kev we would not be helping them anymore, it is only courteous to help other people I think but these were taking the....! Anyway I am not getting at hire boaters as there are plenty of lovely people on hire boats. Anyway we decided we were going to moor at The Bridge pub  near the Branston Water Park as we wanted to give the food there a try as it is now an Italian and so later on we got ready and had a walk there and very nice it was too.

Friday 31st October

Another lovely morning again and still warm & it was a really warm night too and I have to admit that the duvet was on and off all night! That I am sure is unusual for this time of year as the heating is usually on, we have had a good year weatherise as I am sure plenty of people will agree but I just hope that it doesn't mean a bad winter! Just as we were about to leave the mooring we saw a boat leaving their mooring not far behind so we waited while they passed before we left but I walked to the lock (Branston Lock) and Kev once again stayed aboard R&R. We had a lovely cruise and stopped for a late cooked breakfast just passed the entrance of Mercia marina Willington, and once we had eaten Kev did the washing up while I popped Buster for a walk and then we both had a walk over the footbridge to Midland Chandlers in Mercia Marina for some bits and pieces and had a look at the new boardwalk they are doing there. We got back on board R&R and then left the mooring there and set off to Stenson Lock where a boat was waiting to go down so that was good for us as we could share the lock with them, and then we got as far as Swarkestone where we moored up for the day through bridge 15. We took Buster for a walk down to the Crew & Harpur Arms pub for a pint, it is close to river Trent and we sat outside in the beer garden looking onto the river, there are some lovely properties here and quite old ones too it was worth the walk which only took about 5-10 minutes and the pub does food too if anybody fancies it. We will probably give it a try at some point but not today. I am going to carry on reading Lynda Bellingham's book "There's Something I've Been Dying To Tell You" which I downloaded from ibooks yesterday, I am not a reader usually  but I saw Lynda on Loose women before she sadly died recently and she was talking about her book so I though I would like to read it & so far it is very good.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

About Turn!

Wednesday 29th October

We had a quiet evening at Taft bridge on Monday apart from there seemed to be quite a lot of goods trains  through the night which we could hear and we have moored here before but we never seemed to hear the trains so much. Anyway yesterday we decided  that we would get to Gt Haywood and we would turn around at the junction of the Staffs & Worcs canal, we had intended to go to Penkiridge but we would be rushing to get back to Shardlow before the stoppages on Monday and besides I have a dentist appointment next Monday!
Approaching the entrance to the staffs & Worcs Canal where we turned

It was quite breezy but a fine day we were hoping to get rid of our rubbish but there were 2 boats on the services so we didn't bother. So we headed back to Gt Haywood Lock which would have been ready for us to go back in but a boat that was moored on the visitor moorings decided to leave and they beat us to it! 

As we approached the small holding at Taft Bridge we spotted these piglets, they were quite funny running about, very comical!  The diesel is still 79pence per litre here! We carried on until we got to the visitor moorings in Rugeley and moored up for the day and we had a walk to Morrisons and I got my lottery winnings £25!! So it had to be treat time with all my winnings lol so we bought some lovely fresh jam & cream scones "lovely"also we got 2 vanilla slices too, what can I say! We had the vanilla slices with a lovely cup of coffee and put the scones into the fridge. We stayed the night on these moorings and this morning we didn't leave Rugeley until 10.20 am as Kev had a Skype call with someone in India at 9.30am and we didn't want to risk moving on and have no signal on our mifi.
Once that was sorted we got set off but the weather was very dull and we had some rain along the way but we had a lovely cream scone with a  cuppa  to look forward to and yes we had them on the way and very nice they were too! A few boats about again and as we arrived at Woodend Lock there were 2 boats behind us and 1 in front so we were queueing by the time we got to Shadehouse lock and we moored once again in Fradley opposite the water point at 2.30pm.

Monday, 27 October 2014

A nice cuppa with nice people!

Monday 27th October

It was quite warm this morning first thing and there was plenty of boats on the move again, I took Buster for a walk round the wildlife reserve and the small lake was very tranquil.

Kev had a walk to take the rubbish & empty the cassette and then we had a walk round to see Pam & Terry before they left and as we walked to the junction of the Coventry Canal we saw Pam & Terry on nb Roosters Rest just winding (turning) to go back through the swing bridge, they had been moored near nb Seyella but needed to be facing the opposite way as they would be heading for Hopwas later today. 
Pam is keeping a lookout!
Whilst Terry manoeuvres the boat!
We then walked along the Coventry Canal to see Geoff & Mags for a cuppa and we were then joined by Pam & Terry once they had moored ahead of Seyella. (In case any of you boaters are not aware that soon you will need a BW key to operate the swing bridge here.)
What a lot of lovely smiles!!

We all had a good chat and a good cuppa too nice to see you all, we left Seyella and headed back to R&R and there were still quite a few boats about and I went to get the lock ready while Kev moved off the mooring and along to the lock landing where he waited behind a boat that was already waiting to go into the lock. There were volunteers on the locks today at Fradley so it was a bit easier doing the locks. We were late getting away today after our visiting and it was around 11am when we set off, we stopped briefly at Rugely as I needed to pop to Tesco for a few bits and pieces and then we finally moored at 4.30pm at Taft bridge. 

Mucky Duck with blogger friends

Monday 27th October

We left Willington yesterday morning early as we wanted to get to Fradley to meet Pam & Terry, in fact we left just after 7am which would have been 8am if we hadn't put the clocks back one hour! It was a dull morning and quite cool mind you it is October, we decided to get through Dallow & Branston locks before stopping for a cooked breakfast close to bridge 34 near Branston water park. There were quite a few boats about  & several of them were hire boats, the only problem was that we ended up following a boat so we had to wait at each lock until they moored up after Alrewas lock. We finally got moored in Fradley opposite the water point at 2.50pm and we called Pam to let her know we were here, she was with Mags Nb Seyella so we arranged to see Pam & Terry in the Mucky Duck at 3.30pm. We stayed in there for a few beers and we ended up having something to eat before coming back to R&R for a final drink and a chat.
Pam, Kev & Terry
They are moored on the Coventry Canal and will be leaving this morning and so is Geoff & Mags on Seyella so Kev & I will have a walk round to see if we can catch them all before they set off.
Thanks Pam & Terry for a few laughs and see you both soon.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

A final trip & remembering loved ones

Saturday 25th October

We have had a busy time lately and so now we decided it was time to have a week away on the boat as there are stoppages at the beginning of November. Yesterday I took my mam to the pier in Hull on the river Humber to lay some flowers for my late dad Jack. He was an Ocean Going Tug master for many years and worked originally for a company called United Towing which had their offices close to the pier. The docking/ river tugs used to tie up alongside the pier so it is fitting that we lay the flowers each year here, my dad died the year (2008) we had our first boat 4EverMoore built and never got to get aboard her. After my dad died my brother John and myself asked Paul Escreet who is one of the directors of SMS Tugs,  if we could take dads  ashes onto the Humber to scatter and he willingly took us out on a tug to do this and we thanked him greatly, he knew my dad very well and said it was his way of showing his respect for him.
The Deep is in the background
The Minerva pub in the background & Sharrin my mams dog!
looking towards the Humber Bridge 
Also looking towards the entrance to the river Hull & the tidal barrier

There has been a lot of sad news just lately and our thoughts go out to Del & Al on Derwent6 and to Sue & Vic on No Problem as they all have lost loved ones recently.
Anyway back to boating! We left home early this morning and got on board Rock & Roll around 8.15 am and once we were all unpacked we were ready to leave the marina at  We didn't really expect to see many boats today but there have been quite a few boats on the move, it was quite cool at times but was at least a fine day and after getting through Shardlow lock on our own. When we were approaching Aston lock we noticed a hire boat inside the lock ready to go up and then the gates started to close so we sounded the horn to let them know we were there and they then heard us and opened the gates for us to go in and we shared the lock with them and also shared the rest of the double locks and finally we moored on the 48 hour visitor moorings at Willington. We are now getting ready to go out for a pint or 3 and maybe something to eat! Tomorrow we will head for Fradley to rendezvous with fellow boaters Pam & Terry on n.b.'Rooster's Rest' for yet another pint or more!!

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Sam is 16!

Saturday 11th October

We have had a busy time recently as it was Sam's 16th birthday on Monday 6th October and his mum Kirsty flew over last Thursday (2nd) to be here for it.
Kirsty with my mam's dog Sharrin & Sam
Thanks for sam's cake Helen!

We had a lovely weekend as a few friends and family popped round  last Saturday as Sam's birthday was on Monday which was a school day!  Kirsty flew back to Majorca on Wednesday so there were a few tears  from her but she was glad to have been here for his birthday, Kev took her to Manchester airport and Sam went too. We had bought Sam a Gilera Runner 50cc for his birthday but he wasn't able to have it until today as he had to do his CBT so early this morning Kev took him into Hull & dropped him off at the training centre at 7.30 am, the bike dealership delivered his bike to the training centre and when he finished at 3.45pm Kev was there to meet him on his BMW bike to follow him back to Roos. I would like to thank Nigel for the super gift of a new helmet, jacket & gloves what a lovely present Thanks again Nigel!

A happy lad back from  his CBT safe & happy biking now you have a bit of independence Sam!
Kev is going to the boat tomorrow for a few days to do a few bits & pieces and check all is well and hopefully we will get away for a week or so before any stoppages. 

Friday, 26 September 2014

A walk up the Erewash Canal & into new marina & home

Friday 26th September

Yesterday after mooring on the pontoon at Trent lock, we went for a walk onto the Erewash Canal, passing the Steamboat pub we passed several houseboats

 This houseboat has an upstairs!
This boat made us laugh when we read it!
 We walked back towards Trent Lock and we went into the Steamboat pub for a pint and sat outside in the sunshine then went back to R&R for some tea. Nigel drove over to see us at 7pm and we the had a walk back to the Steamboat pub for a couple of drinks and a chat. The pub is very dog friendly and the landlord said that one night there were 16 dogs and 12 people in the pub!
It was a bit cloudy this morning and a bit breezy but we had a good cruise to Sawley locks and then onto our new marina Chapel Farm &  Kev managed to reverse onto the berth  although it was quite breezy and we then packed the car and Kev checked that the water & gas was turned off on the boat and then we set off for home. As we arrived at our house the for sale sign was up! We will get the keys on Monday for the cottage, my daughter Kirsty will be coming over from Majorca next Thursday as it is Sam's 16th birthday on the 6th October so its all go!!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

A short trip today

Thursday 25th September
Yesterday I had a bit of a clean up and a walk into the shopping centre for a browse around. As for the man looking for his mobile in the canal never found it after all that! I hope he went home for a shower too, the man who was moored behind me was telling me that he had spoken to the man and it was a camera that he had lost and not his phone and that as he was walking along he went in his pocket for something and pulled out the camera by mistake and it dropped to the floor in front of him as he was walking and kicked it into the canal. He had all his surveillance material on it thats why he was eager to find it, oh well now if he had any evidence for a client it is well and truly lost!
Kev returned back the boat around 11pm last night, it was about a 20 minute walk from Nottingham train station.
The trams run frequently around the centre

This morning we decided that we would leave the mooring and get to Cranfleet cut and moor up for the day so we are now on the pontoon moorings at Trent Lock.
We left just after 9am and haven't seen many boats about but it was peaceful on the river heading here although it was quite cool and there is quite a lot of cloud about and a bit breezy but at least its not raining. We had only been moored here for about half an hour then a cruiser who was with a wide beam came from the direction of Sawley and they both turned and are now moored here too, so now the pontoon is full as there is another narrowboat on here too.
This Heron wasn't at all bothered about us passing
 The swan ahead kept just in front of R&R for quite qa while before deciding to fly off
 Kev went to empty the loo & get rid of the rubbish here at Beeston Locks
He then went to get the lock ready for me
 Think the Heron was in the Cormorants spot!

 The Trent Lock Pub is opposite us
 Looking back at the entrance to the Cranfleet cut
Facing towards Sawley with the rowing club just to the left

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Nottingham Castle & a canal search!

Tuesday 23rd September
Nigel left this morning heading back to Shardlow and Kev left to catch his train to Edinburgh at 7.45am. I popped Buster for a walk and went to Sainsbury's for some shopping when I got back to the boat I had a nice cuppa and a doughnut and then had a walk to Nottingham castle.
I was expecting to see a Medievel castle but that had been destroyed and there was a mansion built above the old walls and there were man made caves that they did tours round but unfortunately not today!
 The statue above is outside the castle
This one is in the grounds

 Good views from the castle
The canal is where the line of trees are
And there is the old BW building
When I was walking back on the towpath towards R&R there were some men at the bow of the boat and one had a fishing net and when I got to the boat they said one of them had lost his mobile phone in the canal! He was only wearing his skiddies and said he had been in the canal to feel about for his phone but no luck.They all tried and tried and couldn't find it and then they went off and then returned half an hour later and the man who's phone it was had a snorkel!

He was very determined to find his phone as you can see! he said he knew the phone wouldn't be any good but that he wanted the sim card as it had some important stuff on! I said I was taking his photo for my blog but he wouldn't let me take any before he put on the snorkel as he didn't want to be recognised so I said: Are you a wanted man? He replied oh no I am a private investigator! Now I am not quite sure if I believe that but anyway I waited while he had his snorkel on anyway! It all happens on the canals eh!!

Monday, 22 September 2014

A Trip to Jerusalem!

Monday 22nd September

This morning we decided to go through the next lock & turn around and move moorings so we could be in the sun for the solar panels! So we are now moored close to the Sainsbury supermarket and it has been a lovely day with plenty of sunshine and warm too.
 This is the old BW building and we winded here 
The building to the left is the HM customs!
 The entrance to the canal is just to the left where the narrowboat is moored on the pontoon
Once we had got on our new moorings, Kev Nigel & myself went for a walk and got to the Trent river and then we walked back along the canal and headed into the town and we wanted to find a pub which is the oldest one in England!
And we found it! 

 The pub was like a rabbit warren  with lots of little rooms, the monks used to have a brewery in this building.

 Looking up this was a chimney when the monks had the brewery

Of course we had to have a pint while we were there & we sat outside in the sun for a bit before leaving and headed back to the boat but I will go back tomorrow while Kev is in Scotland & Nigel is leaving too & he will get back to Shardlow as he has things to do. The castle is just round the corner from the pub so I am looking forward to that.

The rock is like this all around the castle with newer buildings built into it.