Friday, 18 April 2014

Onto the Llangollen canal

Saturday 19th April

What a lovely day it was yesterday, once we were all up and about we soon were on our way to Hurleston  junction where we turned towards the Llangollen canal and were soon in the first lock, which is a flight of 4 locks, Kev & Nigel were doing the locks & Lee stayed on the boat with me, as I started to leave the first lock the boat stopped and I was stuck then we noticed the pound was quite low so Kev & Nigel had to go to the next lock & open the paddles to let some more water in the pound, then I was able to move forward into the 2nd lock. I have never had that happen before but its all experience!! Anyway once we were clear of the flight of locks I went down into the galley to start cooking breakfast and soon Kev found somewhere to moor and we all sat down to a fried breakfast! Well you have to look after your crew don't you!!
Looking down the flight towards Hurleston Junction

Nigel doing his turn at the tiller
My crew!
Lee enjoying his turn at the tiller & telling us "this is how you do it"

There was a steady flow of boats about which was good as it meant that we were getting through the locks quite quick.
As we got to the lift bridge at Whitchurch, Kev got off to lift it whilst I went on to the winding hole to turn so that I could get into the basin as you can't turn into it from the lift bridge as it is too tight.
We moored up then had a walk into the town to have some food & a couple of pints, we had something to eat in The White Bear pub & then walked to Tesco for some odds & ends then into the Bulls Head for a pint and then walked back to the boat and sat with a glass of wine & some cheese & crackers then it was off to bed!

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