Monday, 22 June 2015

all sorted!

Monday 22nd June
This morning we contacted our car insurers who are the AA & they were really helpful & arranged for us to take the car to Nottingham to a repair centre. So that was a big relief to get things moving. After all the conversations were done with which took about 2hours we drove our poor damaged car to Long Eaton to get some shopping at Asda and I had put a joint of beef in the oven so we.would have a cooked lunch before Sam left for the airport. We left the marina about 2.30pm and dropped Sam off for his flight to Majorca and then we headed for Nottingham to the repair centre. A man assessed the car and we were all sorted . They will keep it for us while we return in August and they even gave us a lift back to Shardlow! So hopefully we can enjoy our trip starting tomorrow morning! At Last!!

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