Thursday, 30 June 2016

A short cruise to Marlow

Thursday 30th June
This morning I put a wash on & when it had finished we left Cookham just after 8.45am, It was quite warm and the sun was out so it made our short cruise very pleasurable.
These 2 men came by shortly before we left

This duck chased all the Egyptian geese's away from the boat while Kev was feeding her!

There are some interesting sculptures & even more super properties
Approaching Bourne End railway & footbridge

Being overtaken by a cruiser
When we arrived at Marlow lock moorings we managed to get moored between a narrowboat & a cruiser. There was a lock keeper there working on the footpath that is mainly for wheelchair users, he was clearing the grass that had overtaken the pathway, he has made a very good job of it too!

Kev took Jaz for a walk & then we had a cuppa, I made the lockie one too while Kev chatted to him. The lockie gave us a booklet: Cruising guide to the Thames & connecting waterways which was very kind of him. Kev & I then went for a walk.
The view from a footbridge at Marlow lock looking upstream

This plaque is on a house we passed as we walked to the town

Looking down one of the main streets
Marlow is a lot bigger than we had thought, it was lovely to walk around, the lockie had told us that Marlow used to have 42 pubs! Thank goodness there aren't that many now as I don't think we would be able to manage 42 pubs lol! We will stay here for a few days and have a walk over the suspension bridge to the other side of the river tomorrow depending on the weather. 
The view from R&R

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